It is permitted for women to do i`tikaf (spiritual retreat) in a specific place in their house, whenever they have the time and are able to do so without neglecting their family duties and other responsibilities.
The same considerations would apply as in any other i`tikaf: ones primary concern during the time should be towards worship, and unnecessary worldly activity should be avoided.
Even when one is in their monthly period, it is recommended in the Hanafi school to sit in a designated place of prayer (musalla) at home, after having made wudu, and make dhikr for the time it takes to pray.
It is recommended for women to designate a place in their houses as their 'masjid'. They can do i`tikaf there at any time, even for a brief period of time, [Radd al-Muhtar] and attain the great rewards mentioned in the hadiths for i`tikaf (as long as they fulfill their other worldly and religious duties, as is the case for men).
The Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) said, Whoever stands the nights of Ramadan in prayer out of faith and seeking reward shall have their previous sins forgiven. [Bukhari & Muslim]
May Allah give us success to follow the guidance of His Beloved (Allah bless him & give him peace).
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