Imam Zaid Shakir’s response to Front Page Magazine’s personal attack
November 28, 2008 by Faraz Rabbani
IslamCrunch » Blog Archive » Imam Zaid Shakir’s response to Front Page Magazine’s personal attack
“Although I do not expect propaganda organs like Front Page Magazine or Muslims Against the Sharia to be interested in the truth, I would expect that you would do a minimum amount of fact-checking. Contrary to what you print in your story “Horowitz Speech on Radical Islam Has Repercussions at Northwestern”, I was not a co-founder of Masjid Al-Islam in Oakland, California, nor have I ever been affiliated with that mosque. I was a co-founder of Masjid Al-Islam in New Haven, Connecticut. Our mosque was founded to serve, in the words of our motto as “a moral voice in the community.” The mosque has been and continues to be a source of spiritual guidance and social and economic services for a largely poor and an underserved inner-city community. A correction on your part, while not anticipated, would be appreciated.” - Imam Zaid Shakir
This statement is in response to Horowitz Speech on Radical Islam Has Repercussions at Northwestern published by FrontPage Magazine and and reposted by Muslims Against Sharia (where we originally found the story and shared it with our beloved Imam)
domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008
jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008
Biography of this week...
Shaykh Faraz Rabbani is a researcher and teacher of the Islamic sciences, specializing in Islamic Law. He is a teacher with the Razi Institute, a Toronto-based educational project; the Director of SeekersGuidance (, an Islamic educational portal; and a columnist for Islamica Magazine.
Shaykh Faraz obtained a Bachelor's in Economics & Commerce from the University of Toronto in 1997. After that, he studied and taught the Islamic sciences in Damascus, Amman, and Karachi for ten years, under leading Islamic scholars, including Shaykh Adib Kallas, Shaykh Hassan al-Hindi, Shaykh Muhammad Jumuah, Shaykh Akram Abd al-Wahhab, Shaykh Nuh Keller, and Mufti Mahmud Ashraf Usmani.
May Allah bless him and his loved ones in this dunya as well as in the Hereafter...ameen.
Shaykh Faraz Rabbani is a researcher and teacher of the Islamic sciences, specializing in Islamic Law. He is a teacher with the Razi Institute, a Toronto-based educational project; the Director of SeekersGuidance (, an Islamic educational portal; and a columnist for Islamica Magazine.
Shaykh Faraz obtained a Bachelor's in Economics & Commerce from the University of Toronto in 1997. After that, he studied and taught the Islamic sciences in Damascus, Amman, and Karachi for ten years, under leading Islamic scholars, including Shaykh Adib Kallas, Shaykh Hassan al-Hindi, Shaykh Muhammad Jumuah, Shaykh Akram Abd al-Wahhab, Shaykh Nuh Keller, and Mufti Mahmud Ashraf Usmani.
May Allah bless him and his loved ones in this dunya as well as in the Hereafter...ameen.
domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008
Biography of this week...

Habib Umar bin Hafiz is a descendant of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, through his grandson Imam Hussain, may Allah be pleased with him.
He was born in Tarim, Hadramaut in Yemen, and raised in a household that possessed a tradition and lineage of Islamic scholarship and righteousness, his father being the famous martyr, scholar, and caller to Islam Al-Habib Muhammad bin Salim.
Having memorized the Qur’an at a very early age, Habib Umar also memorized the core texts in fiqh, hadith, Arabic Language, and other religious sciences. He studied many sciences including spirituality from his father Al-Habib Muhammad bin Salim, acquiring from him a deep love and concern for da‘wah and religious counsels in the way of Allah.
He attended numerous circles of knowledge held by many traditional scholars, such as Muhammad bin Alawi bin Shihab and al-Shaikh Fadl Baa Fadl. Later, he enrolled at the Ribat of al-Bayda’, where he began to study the traditional sciences under the expert tutelage of Al-Habib Muhammad bin Abd-Allah al-Haddar, as well as under the Shafi‘i jurist and scholar Al-Habib Zain bin Sumait. Habib Umar was given permission to teach soon after.
Afterwards, he began to visit many neighboring towns and communities across Yemen and studied with the mufti of Ta‘iz, al-Habib Ibrahim bin Aqil bin Yahya, who began to show him much love and attention. He received similar treatment from his Shaikh al-Habib Muhammad al-Haddar, who gave him his daughter’s hand in marriage after being impressed by his uprightness and intelligence. Al-Habib Umar then traveled to the Hijaz and studied several books with prominent scholars, including Al-Habib Abdul Qadir bin Ahmad al-Saqqaf, Al-Habib Ahmed Mashur al-Haddad, and Al-Habib Attas al-Habashi.
Wherever Habib Umar has gone, no stone has been left unturned in his attempt to revive the love of Allah and His Messenger, peace and blessing be upon him, in the hearts of people. After returning to Tarim, he established Dar al-Mustafa, an educational institute to which students from across the world have come to study. Habib Umar currently lives in Tarim, where he oversees the development of Dar al-Mustafa and the many schools that have been set up under his management.
Source: sunnipath.
Sheikh Habib Umar is our teacher's teacher (Abdul Kareem) and we have learned to love and respect him as much. That is what we get from him, the love and the respect for the teachers and the family of our beloved nabi Muhammad (saw). May Allah (The Exalted) bless Sheikh Habib Umar and shower him and his family and students with blessings and a great place in Jannah. Ameen.
viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2008
I' tikaf (spiritual retreat) for women....

It is permitted for women to do i`tikaf (spiritual retreat) in a specific place in their house, whenever they have the time and are able to do so without neglecting their family duties and other responsibilities.
The same considerations would apply as in any other i`tikaf: ones primary concern during the time should be towards worship, and unnecessary worldly activity should be avoided.
Even when one is in their monthly period, it is recommended in the Hanafi school to sit in a designated place of prayer (musalla) at home, after having made wudu, and make dhikr for the time it takes to pray.
It is recommended for women to designate a place in their houses as their 'masjid'. They can do i`tikaf there at any time, even for a brief period of time, [Radd al-Muhtar] and attain the great rewards mentioned in the hadiths for i`tikaf (as long as they fulfill their other worldly and religious duties, as is the case for men).
The Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) said, Whoever stands the nights of Ramadan in prayer out of faith and seeking reward shall have their previous sins forgiven. [Bukhari & Muslim]
May Allah give us success to follow the guidance of His Beloved (Allah bless him & give him peace).
lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2008
Please enjoy this beautiful and profound nasheed...
Brother Nader Khan, his album will be out soon inshAllah!!!
domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2008
Biography of this week...

KHALIL ABU ASMAA (CHRISTOPHER MOORE) was born and raised in America into a practicing Christian family. While on the path to becoming a professional musician, he went through a deep spiritual and emotional journey that led to his conversion to Islam in the summer of 1994 at the age of nineteen.
He later traveled to the Muslim world in search of sacred knowledge and a balanced understanding of the prophetic legacy. He has studied in the blessed city of Madinah (1996 to 1999), the deserts of West Africa, the Atlas Mountains of Southern Morocco, and the Hadramawt Valley of Yemen.
He holds a B.A. in English, with a minor in Religious Studies, from George Mason University (2001) and a M.A. in Liberal Arts from St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland (2007). He has also studied Arabic-English translating and interpreting at the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates.
He works as a Translator / Lecturer / Writer / Researcher / Editor
A Washington Post story about him can be found in his website.
Information about his formal education, study abroad, technical training, publications & translations, and language competencies can be found below :
St. John's College, Annapolis, MD (USA)Master of Arts in Liberal Arts (M.A.L.A.), August 2007
"Great Books” program of study in Philosophy, Theology, Literature, Politics, and History, consisting of over 440 hours of classroom discussion
"Great Books” program of study in Philosophy, Theology, Literature, Politics, and History, consisting of over 440 hours of classroom discussion
Partial list of authors read: Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Rousseau, Kant, Locke, Hobbes, Hegel, Nietzsche, Tocqueville, Gibbon, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Plutarch, Herodotus, Thucydides, and others.
American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Completed one full semester of study towards an M.A. in Translation and Interpreting (Dec. 2005)
Topics studied included: Academic writing and research methods, and the skills, techniques, and theories concerned with both liaison and consecutive interpreting.
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA (USA)Bachelor of Arts - English, May 2001
Major concentration in nonfiction writing and editing.
Minor in Religious Studies, with a focus on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia (KSA)
Graduated from a four-semester, intensive Arabic and Islamic studies course (Sept. 1996 - May 1998)
Completed two semesters towards a B.A. in Islamic Law (Sept. 1998 - May 1999)
Topics studied included: Quranic Exegesis, Prophetic Traditions and Terminology, Jurisprudence, Research Methodologies, Juridical Principles, Arabic Grammar and Morphology, History of Legislation, and Political Law.
Alhamdulillah we have benefited greatly from his work, he is a true example for us, to read his story and the effort he has put to learn our beautiful deen is very inspiring and fulfilling.
May Allah (The Exalted) bless him and us, and give him the strenght to keep sharing his knowledge with all of us.
If you want to know more about his beautiful story, feel free to go to his website
lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2008

El mes de Ramadan se hizo decender en dirección para los hombres y pruebas claras de guía y del Discernimiento.
Corán, surat 2, verso 184.
El mes de Ramadan se hizo decender en dirección para los hombres y pruebas claras de guía y del Discernimiento.
Corán, surat 2, verso 184.
The month of Ramadan:
The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) says, "Ramadan has come to you. (It is) a month of blessing, in which Allah covers you with blessing, for He sends down Mercy, decreases sins and answers prayers. In it, Allah looks at your competition (in good deeds), and boasts about you to his angels. So show Allah goodness from yourselves, for the unfortunate one is he who is deprived in (this month) of the mercy of Allah, the Mighty, the Exalted." [Narrated by Tabarani]
Source.. Sunnipath.
Bien sea en el mes de Ramadán, o en otros meses, son los siguientes:
1) La abstinencia de todo aquello que rompa el ayuno [Bien sea bebida, comida o relaciones carnales) desde el alba hasta la puesta del sol.
2) Tener presente la intención. Se debe tenerla presente en la mente y en el corazón, tiene que ser antes del fajr (inicio del tiempo de la primera oración del día), y puede ser dicha diariamente, o por todo el mes desde su inicio.
El procedimiento del ayuno es el siguiente:
El procedimiento del ayuno es el siguiente:
1) As-suhur: El suhur consiste en tomar algún alimento por la madrugada, siempre antes del Fayr, por muy poco que sea la cantidad de comida o bebida, aunque fuera un poco de agua, tiempo que se extiende desde la medianoche hasta la entrada del momento de la oración, antes de las primeras luces del alba, con la intención del ayuno presente en la mente, pues el suhur es bendición y prosperidad como dice el Profeta (PB).
2) Romper el ayuno inmediatamente después de la puesta del sol y al comienzo del tiempo de la oración de magrib: Pues dice el Profeta (PB): "Los hombres permanecen en el bien mientras no retrasen la ruptura del ayuno después de la puesta del sol".
3) El orar y suplicar en el momento de romper el ayuno: Por ejemplo, decía el Profeta (PB): "Se fue la sed, se hidrataron las venas, y se logró la recompensa con el permiso de Dios".
4) El abstenerse de todo lo que contradice el ayuno en lo moral:Ya que el ayuno es una gran escuela de disciplina y doctrina, tanto espirituales como morales, pues no se limita a la abstinencia de comer o beber solamente, sino de todo lo que sea mala palabra, mal acto o mal pensamiento. El ayunante debería ser indulgente en caso de ser insultado o agredido por alguien, debiendo evitar todas las obscenidades.
5) El uso del siuák durante el ayuno:Es un trozo de rama de un árbol especial que se encuentra en la península arábiga y que es de muchos beneficios, tanto para los dientes como para las encías y la boca, y se usa como un cepillo de dientes.
6) Ser generoso: El musulmán siempre tiene que ser generoso, pero lo es más en el mes de Ramadán.
7) Incrementar la lectura del Sagrado Corán: Durante el mes de Ramadán, en que fue revelado el Sagrado Corán, se debe recitar éste con mayor frecuencia que en los otros meses. Además dijo el Profeta (PB): "El ayuno y el Sagrado Corán intercederán a favor del siervo el Día de la Resurrección."
8) Incrementar las prácticas: Sobre todo en los últimos diez días del mes de Ramadán, tal como lo hacía el Profeta (PB).
El ayuno se puede clasificar en dos tipos:
1- El ayuno obligatorio (Fard)
2- El ayuno voluntario (Nafl
Que tengan todos un feliz Ramadan lleno de bendiciones y de grandes aperturas
domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008
Ramadan Mubarak! - a message from Shaykh Abdul-Kareem Yahyaa (may Allah preserve him & his teachers)

As-salamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and CompassionatePraise is for Allah, Lord of all beingsMay Allah bless and grant peace to our Liegelord Muhammad, his folk, companions and those who follow them in excellence until the last dayTo our beloved elders, brothers and sisters in Islam,As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
We ask Allah that He grant us, you and all Muslims His Mercy and that He turn to us that we may return to Him in repentance. Amin.
Some of you have asked for advice about preparing for Ramadan. So, with Allah’s aid, we can only respond by reminding ourselves and you of that which our teachers have advised us.Bayhaqi narrated in the Branches of Faith, on the authority of Jabir Bin Abdullah (Allah be pleased with him) that Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said:"My nation (ummah) was granted in Ramadan five things that no Prophet prior to me was given.
As for the first, when it is the first night of the month of Ramadan, Allah, Mighty and Majestic, gazes to them and the one to whom Allah looks, He does not punish him, ever.
As for the second, the smell of their mouths in the afternoon is more pleasant to Allah than the fragrance of musk.
As for the third, the angels seek forgiveness for them in each day and night.
As for the fourth Allah, Mighty and Majestic, commands His Paradise, He says to it, ‘Prepare yourself and adorn yourself for my slaves, they are about to take rest from the toil of the world to My Abode and My Generosity.’
And as for the fifth, when it is the last night, they are forgiven, all of them.” So a man from the people said, "Is it the Night of Power?" And the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) replied, "No, do you not see that if laborers work, when they finish their tasks, they are given their wages?"The first work of Ramadan that our teachers have advised us to perform is to expose ourselves to this gaze of Allah which the Prophet (peace be upon him) informed us of in the aforementioned tradition.
As the Prophet (peace be upon him) has taught us, Allah looks to the hearts.Habib Umar (Allah preserve him) advised the students of Dar al-Mustafa this afternoon and evening that Allah should see in our hearts poverty (extreme neediness) for Him. This is the real meaning of prostration.
Allah should also see from us on the first night of Ramadan sincere remorse and genuine repentance from all the wicked actions of our lives up to this point. In addition to this we should have mercy in our hearts for all of His creation and have a sincere desire for the guidance of all morally responsible beings on the surface of the Earth.
Allah (swa) shows mercy to those who are merciful.
Another manner of preparing our hearts for Allah’s gaze that our teachers have shown us by example is forgiving everyone. So following their example, with Allah’s aid, we absolve everyone from any of our rights that may have been transgressed and sincerely request forgiveness from all of you for any wrong we may have done to any of you.
We implore those who know of something we owe them to either request it from us or absolve us, and may Allah accept.
During Ramadan our teachers have advised us not to do anything with our limbs that would be a cause of sorrow for the heart of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him).
We ask Allah to bless all of us this Ramadan and that He aid us in our fasting, praying and recitation of Quran.
We ask Him to cast His Gaze on us all on the first night of this Ramadan and that He forgive us our sins and raise us in degrees of nearness to Him and His beloved Prophet. May Allah bless him, his folk and companions and grant them peace.
Please keep Shaykh Abdul-Kareem & his family, this needy and the Ummah in your du'as
sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008

The whole Community of Believers is conceived of as a great brotherhood.
' Surely the believers are but brothers. So set things right between your two brother, and aware of God - perhaps you will obtain mercy' (Qur'an 49:10).
Know that the contract of brotherhood is a bond between two persons, like the contract of marriage between two spouses. In all, this comprises of eight duties:
The first duty is the material one.
The lowest degree is where you place your brother on the same footing as your slave or your servant, attending to his need from your surplus. To oblige him to ask is the ultimate shortcoming in brotherly duty. At the second degree you place your brother on the same footing as yourself. At the third degree, the highest of all, you prefer your brother to yourself and set his need before your own. This is the degree of the siddiq, and the final stage for those united in spiritual love.
The second duty is to render personal aid in the satisfaction of needs, attending to them without waiting to be asked, and giving them priority over private needs. Here too there are different stages, as in the case of material support.
The lowest degree consists in attending to the need when asked and when in plenty, though with joy cheerfulness, showing pleasure and gratitude. In short, your brother's need ought to be like your own, or even more important than your own.
The third duty concerns the tongue, which should sometimes be silent and at other times speak out. In short, you should keep silent about any speech unpleasant to your brother in general and in particular - unless obliged to speak out to promote good and prevent evil, and even then only if you can find no valid excuse for saying nothing.
The lowest degree in brotherhood is where you treat your brother as you would wish to be treated yourself, and there is no doubt that he would expect you to veil his shame and keep quiet about his misdeeds and faults. Know that the mainstay of brotherhood is concord in word and deed, and compassion.
The fourth duty is to use the tongue for speaking out. Just as brotherhood calls for silence about unpleasant things, so it requires the utterance of favourable things. You should use the tongue to express affection to your brother, and to enquire agreeably about his circumstances. For brotherhood means participating in joy and sadness.
The fifth duty is forgiveness of mistake and failings. The failing of a friend must be one of two kinds; either in his religion, through the commission of an offence; or in his duty to you, through an omission in brotherhood. In the case of religion, where he commits an offence and persists in it, you must advise him kindly so as to supply his deficiency, put his affairs in order, and restore him to a correct and virtuous state. As for his error in brotherly duty, by which he causes alienation, there is no disagreement on the proper course being forgiveness and patience. Indeed, whenever a good interpretation is possible, or an excuse - whether obvious or far-fetched - can be advanced, this obligatory in the duty of brotherhood.
The sixth duty is to pray for your brother, during his life and after his death, that he may have all he might wish for himself, his family and his dependants.
The seventh duty is loyalty and sincerity. The meaning of loyalty is steadfastness in love and maintaining it to the death with your brother, and after his death with his children and his fellows. For love is for the sake of the Other Life. If it is severed before death the work is in vain and the effort wasted.
The eighth duty is relief from discomfort and inconvenience. You should not discomfort your brother with things that are awkward for him. Rather you should ease his heart of its cares and needs, and spare him having to assume any of your burdens. Such then are the duties of fellowship. Therefore you must bind all your faculties to their service.
These manners of the Outer are only the title page of the Inner and Purity of Heart. When hearts are purified there is no need of formality to display their content. He who looks to the fellowship of creatures will sometimes be crooked and sometimes straight.
But he who looks to the Creator is bound to the Straight Path both inwardly and outwardly. His inner is adorned by love of God and his creatures. His outer is beautified by worship of God and service to His servants, for these are the highest kinds of service to God, since there is no way to them except by good character.
The slave can attain by the goodness of his character to the
degree of the upright keeper of fasts - and beyond.
Imam Al Ghazali..(May Allah be pleased with him)
martes, 26 de agosto de 2008
Que mágico es el Islam, que maravilloso es ALLAH (swa) que nos pone en un lugar y nos reune.
Como es el Islam .... Allah pone en nuestros corazones un amor incondicional, una luz, y no importa que no nos conozcamos, estamos unidos...por un lazo mas fuerte, el amor a ALLAH nuestro Creador.
Imagínate vivir siempre en busqueda de agua, ya tienes, pero necesitas mas para llenar el pozo... buscas por todos lados y encuentras pero necesitas mas...y justo donde no pensaste que había, hay agua, pero no cualquier agua...sino una manantial...muy buena y fresca..
Pues nosotros hemos encontrado ese manantial, se trata de dos jóvenes musulmanes, dominicanos, no sabíamos que estaban aquí pero ahí estan, buscando encontramos uno de ellos, él por su parte también buscaba y nos encontramos, y parece que nos conociéramos desde hace 30 años.... Que maravilla !!! El ya conocía a la hermana, también encantadora mashAllah!!!
Que alegría tan inmensa.... cuántas cosas buenas nos ha traído este mes de Shaban...preparándonos para Ramadan...
Estamos felices y super agradecidos con Allah (swa) por habernos puesto donde estamos, por darnos la oportunidad de conocernos y de llevar en nuestros corazones un amor tan grande,, que es mas fuerte que todo... que gran ejemplo nos da nuestro Profeta Muhammad (pbuh) al enseñarnos la hermandad y el amor entre nosotros mismos...
Alhamdulillah porque ahora no nos quedaremos sin agua en nuestro pozo..sino que cada día va aumentando la fuente hasta que ya estemos rebozados....inshAllah.!!!!!
Bienvenidos a nuestras vidas, hermano Abdul y hermana Khadijjah.. !!!!

Que mágico es el Islam, que maravilloso es ALLAH (swa) que nos pone en un lugar y nos reune.
Como es el Islam .... Allah pone en nuestros corazones un amor incondicional, una luz, y no importa que no nos conozcamos, estamos unidos...por un lazo mas fuerte, el amor a ALLAH nuestro Creador.
Imagínate vivir siempre en busqueda de agua, ya tienes, pero necesitas mas para llenar el pozo... buscas por todos lados y encuentras pero necesitas mas...y justo donde no pensaste que había, hay agua, pero no cualquier agua...sino una manantial...muy buena y fresca..
Pues nosotros hemos encontrado ese manantial, se trata de dos jóvenes musulmanes, dominicanos, no sabíamos que estaban aquí pero ahí estan, buscando encontramos uno de ellos, él por su parte también buscaba y nos encontramos, y parece que nos conociéramos desde hace 30 años.... Que maravilla !!! El ya conocía a la hermana, también encantadora mashAllah!!!
Que alegría tan inmensa.... cuántas cosas buenas nos ha traído este mes de Shaban...preparándonos para Ramadan...
Estamos felices y super agradecidos con Allah (swa) por habernos puesto donde estamos, por darnos la oportunidad de conocernos y de llevar en nuestros corazones un amor tan grande,, que es mas fuerte que todo... que gran ejemplo nos da nuestro Profeta Muhammad (pbuh) al enseñarnos la hermandad y el amor entre nosotros mismos...
Alhamdulillah porque ahora no nos quedaremos sin agua en nuestro pozo..sino que cada día va aumentando la fuente hasta que ya estemos rebozados....inshAllah.!!!!!
Bienvenidos a nuestras vidas, hermano Abdul y hermana Khadijjah.. !!!!
lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008
Biography of the week...!!

Born and raised in Berkeley, California, Shaykh Abdul-Kareem Yahya, by the Grace of Allah, embraced Islam in 1989 in his home city.
In 1996, having been inspired to study religious knowledge by the books of Imam Ghazali (Allah be pleased with him) and the call for the revival of Islamic knowledge, he traveled with his family to Damascus, Syria where he embarked on a course of active pursuit of knowledge. During his two-year stay in Damascus he focused his attention on the acquisition of an elementary knowledge of the Arabic language and Quranic recitation, studying the latter under the tutelage of the highly respected Shaykh of Qur'an Abu Anas (Allah preserve him) at the Rawda Mosque in Damascus. Thereafter he moved on with his family to Tarim, Hadramaut where he currently resides.
As a student at Dar al-Mustafa he has primarily turned his efforts towards keeping the company of his Shaykhs’ from the noble prophetic descendents of Ba Alawi and their lovers as well as attaining a knowledge of the Islamic Sciences. Specializing in jurisprudence according to the school of Muhammad Bin Idris al-Shafi'i (Allah be pleased with him), Shaykh Abdul-Kareem has studied the curriculum of jurisprudence at Dar al-Mustafa all the way to the Minhaj of Imam Nawawi (Allah be pleased him).
Since 1998, Shaykh Abdul-Kareem has been studying at the hands of Habib Umar and his older brother Habib Mashhour, the two sons of the late Habib Muhammad Bin Salim Bin Hafiz, as well as the other teachers of Dar al-Mustafa in Tarim, Hadramaut.
Shaykh Abdul-Kareem has been given permission to answer questions according to the Shafi'i School as well as to teach jurisprudence, Arabic Grammar, and other disciplines by his Shaykh Habib Umar, Allah preserve him. He has also worked extensively as a translator For Habib Umar Bin Hafiz and Habib Ali Al- jifri (Allah preserve both of them).
Source..(Sunni Path)
Shaykh Abdul-Kareem has a deep love and respect for his teachers, which helps us be more conscious about the greatness of the Prophet's (saaw) family and descendants. All we can say about this wonderful person, can be said by improving and fixing our moral character traits, by striving to do better and acting upon the teachings of those with knowledge we think is the best way to thank and to appreciate his work and his outstanding way of sharing what he has learned which has changed our lives in the best way possible and yet he does not take gratification but rather he expresses his love and admiration towards his teachers.
Has given us the attention although he has but little time, always takes a part of it to share with us. So we thank Allah Most High for putting Shaykh Abdul Kareem in our path.
May Allah (swa) give us tawfiq (enabling grace) , give us stregnth and love for our beloved nabi Muhammad (saaw) and his family, and help us be part of those whom Allah loves....ameen.

Born and raised in Berkeley, California, Shaykh Abdul-Kareem Yahya, by the Grace of Allah, embraced Islam in 1989 in his home city.
In 1996, having been inspired to study religious knowledge by the books of Imam Ghazali (Allah be pleased with him) and the call for the revival of Islamic knowledge, he traveled with his family to Damascus, Syria where he embarked on a course of active pursuit of knowledge. During his two-year stay in Damascus he focused his attention on the acquisition of an elementary knowledge of the Arabic language and Quranic recitation, studying the latter under the tutelage of the highly respected Shaykh of Qur'an Abu Anas (Allah preserve him) at the Rawda Mosque in Damascus. Thereafter he moved on with his family to Tarim, Hadramaut where he currently resides.
As a student at Dar al-Mustafa he has primarily turned his efforts towards keeping the company of his Shaykhs’ from the noble prophetic descendents of Ba Alawi and their lovers as well as attaining a knowledge of the Islamic Sciences. Specializing in jurisprudence according to the school of Muhammad Bin Idris al-Shafi'i (Allah be pleased with him), Shaykh Abdul-Kareem has studied the curriculum of jurisprudence at Dar al-Mustafa all the way to the Minhaj of Imam Nawawi (Allah be pleased him).
Since 1998, Shaykh Abdul-Kareem has been studying at the hands of Habib Umar and his older brother Habib Mashhour, the two sons of the late Habib Muhammad Bin Salim Bin Hafiz, as well as the other teachers of Dar al-Mustafa in Tarim, Hadramaut.
Shaykh Abdul-Kareem has been given permission to answer questions according to the Shafi'i School as well as to teach jurisprudence, Arabic Grammar, and other disciplines by his Shaykh Habib Umar, Allah preserve him. He has also worked extensively as a translator For Habib Umar Bin Hafiz and Habib Ali Al- jifri (Allah preserve both of them).
Source..(Sunni Path)
Shaykh Abdul-Kareem has a deep love and respect for his teachers, which helps us be more conscious about the greatness of the Prophet's (saaw) family and descendants. All we can say about this wonderful person, can be said by improving and fixing our moral character traits, by striving to do better and acting upon the teachings of those with knowledge we think is the best way to thank and to appreciate his work and his outstanding way of sharing what he has learned which has changed our lives in the best way possible and yet he does not take gratification but rather he expresses his love and admiration towards his teachers.
Has given us the attention although he has but little time, always takes a part of it to share with us. So we thank Allah Most High for putting Shaykh Abdul Kareem in our path.
May Allah (swa) give us tawfiq (enabling grace) , give us stregnth and love for our beloved nabi Muhammad (saaw) and his family, and help us be part of those whom Allah loves....ameen.
Biography of this week...

Habib Ali Zain al-Abideen al-Jifri was born into a family of noble lineage extending in an unbroken chain to Imam Hussain, may Allah be pleased with him, grandson of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
Habib Ali is from the majestic city of Tarim in Southern Yemen. Nestled in the ancient valley of Hadramawt, Tarim has been a centre of learning and spirituality for centuries.
Habib Ali received a classical Islamic education from the illustrious scholars of Hadramawt, embodying a methodology which crystallizes the middle way of Islam, Islamic jurisprudence, a respect for the differences between jurists, and a spiritual education drawn from the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
Habib Ali is Founder of the ‘Tabah Foundations for Islamic Studies and Research’ based in the United Arab Emirates. He is also a lecturer at Dar al Mustafa, Tarim, an educational institute established for the study of traditional Islamic sciences.
Habib Ali is continually invited to lecture in many countries across the globe and appears regularly on a variety of network television and radio programs.
(Biography taken from the book Wayfarers to God, published by Guidance Media)
May Allah (SWA) preserve him...!!

Habib Ali Zain al-Abideen al-Jifri was born into a family of noble lineage extending in an unbroken chain to Imam Hussain, may Allah be pleased with him, grandson of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
Habib Ali is from the majestic city of Tarim in Southern Yemen. Nestled in the ancient valley of Hadramawt, Tarim has been a centre of learning and spirituality for centuries.
Habib Ali received a classical Islamic education from the illustrious scholars of Hadramawt, embodying a methodology which crystallizes the middle way of Islam, Islamic jurisprudence, a respect for the differences between jurists, and a spiritual education drawn from the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
Habib Ali is Founder of the ‘Tabah Foundations for Islamic Studies and Research’ based in the United Arab Emirates. He is also a lecturer at Dar al Mustafa, Tarim, an educational institute established for the study of traditional Islamic sciences.
Habib Ali is continually invited to lecture in many countries across the globe and appears regularly on a variety of network television and radio programs.
(Biography taken from the book Wayfarers to God, published by Guidance Media)
May Allah (SWA) preserve him...!!
miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2008

It is almost here...
It's comming... and they say it will be great, perfect, a time to feel better, to reflect and to bonde, to get closer to Allah, to make sacrifices, to unite, to realize how blessed we are, how much we have and to help those who are less fortunate. Yes, it is comming inshAllah....
It is around the corner... are u ready to receive it and to welcome this amazing time ?!!
It is............. RAMADAN...!!!!!!
It's comming... and they say it will be great, perfect, a time to feel better, to reflect and to bonde, to get closer to Allah, to make sacrifices, to unite, to realize how blessed we are, how much we have and to help those who are less fortunate. Yes, it is comming inshAllah....
It is around the corner... are u ready to receive it and to welcome this amazing time ?!!
It is............. RAMADAN...!!!!!!
lunes, 18 de agosto de 2008

Distante, tanto tiempo, lejos de la luz, la q alumbra sin mancha, sin sombra. Que surge del mas puro y magnífico ser, emanando belleza, radiante.
Como pude, no lo se. Sé que estuve allí, no supe cómo ni cuándo, era ya un hecho!! Debía ser, completar la fase; cual aturdida desconociendo la razón, todo este tiempo y ahí continué hasta que decidiste que era el momento, el momento apropiado para surgir, para continuar, fuí y soy aun; desconozco el seré pero aguardo y pongo mi confianza en Tí y pienso que seré, en aquel lugar maravilloso, esperando, otra vez viviendo mi etapa; la que ahí me acercaría a la última, esa que espero ver, al final. Donde seré por siempre y viviré allí, quiero ser y que sean los míos conmigo y espero porque en tí aguardo y entiendo ahora que eres la razón de mi existir hasta que no exista aquí, continuaré mi existencia contigo hasta el día aquel en que al fin y si Tú quieres, LA FELICIDAD NO TERMINE JAMAS.......!!!!
martes, 5 de agosto de 2008
A month and 5 days ago...a girl left a message in our blog...
She wanted to know more about us, about Islam. We got in contact with her, and so we started sharing our beautiful way of life, the amazing deen that has changed our lives and turned it to a happy journey.
We got really attached to her because of her way.... a young girl with a surprising innocence, a true conciousness about life and most importantly a thirst for the truth, that same one that has been running through her thoughts for the past 5 years...Alhamdulillah she found us!!
Like everything in this dunya is QADR (destined)by ALLAH Azawajal, our encounter was planned.
Through the days we've spoke, we have shared the most graceful friendship, so short time, but yet so fulfilling!!
And so we feel like telling you that last saturday, she was reborn...she reverted to ISLAM, Alhamdulillah!!!!! Allah guides whom He wills and has guide her mashallah..
She says it is a happy moment, she feels at ease, her thoughts are clear, she feels blessed.
Her words: " now i have a veil in my head, but there is another veil that leaves my eyes, that wouldn't let me see the greatness of ALLAH ".
How pleased and greatful to The Magnificent we are for giving us the opportunity of welcoming to ISLAM and our lives a great sister like her...
May Allah guide us all, and keep us in the straight path, the one that never breaks.

A month and 5 days ago...a girl left a message in our blog...
She wanted to know more about us, about Islam. We got in contact with her, and so we started sharing our beautiful way of life, the amazing deen that has changed our lives and turned it to a happy journey.
We got really attached to her because of her way.... a young girl with a surprising innocence, a true conciousness about life and most importantly a thirst for the truth, that same one that has been running through her thoughts for the past 5 years...Alhamdulillah she found us!!
Like everything in this dunya is QADR (destined)by ALLAH Azawajal, our encounter was planned.
Through the days we've spoke, we have shared the most graceful friendship, so short time, but yet so fulfilling!!
And so we feel like telling you that last saturday, she was reborn...she reverted to ISLAM, Alhamdulillah!!!!! Allah guides whom He wills and has guide her mashallah..
She says it is a happy moment, she feels at ease, her thoughts are clear, she feels blessed.
Her words: " now i have a veil in my head, but there is another veil that leaves my eyes, that wouldn't let me see the greatness of ALLAH ".
How pleased and greatful to The Magnificent we are for giving us the opportunity of welcoming to ISLAM and our lives a great sister like her...
May Allah guide us all, and keep us in the straight path, the one that never breaks.
domingo, 20 de julio de 2008
jueves, 17 de julio de 2008
Un gran ejemplo de amor y hermandad.
Nuestro profesor Sheikh Abdul Kareem Yahya quien traduce junto a Sheikh Habib Ali Al-Jifri y demas compañeros, al final de su viaje a malasia, demostrando el amor y la hermandad que sienten los hermanos a su Sheikh y lo maravilloso del Islam.
Nuestro profesor Sheikh Abdul Kareem Yahya quien traduce junto a Sheikh Habib Ali Al-Jifri y demas compañeros, al final de su viaje a malasia, demostrando el amor y la hermandad que sienten los hermanos a su Sheikh y lo maravilloso del Islam.
martes, 15 de julio de 2008
A quien me enseñó lo mas bello.....ISLAM..
Como no decir lo que se siente, cuando se siente.
Como no hablar, si las palabras dan vida al alma...
Como no ser feliz, cuando estas cerca, cuando compartes conmigo aunque sea por un momento.
Siendo que a penas nos conocimos, hiciste que todo fuera tan fácil y tan maravilloso para aprender, eras para mí un ejemplo a seguir. Con tu forma y tu carácter, me llegaste al alma.
El Islam nos unió y nos ha llevado por un camino largo de magníficas aventuras, de crecimiento y amistad, de aprendizaje y aun cuando lejos estas de mi, manejas el que cuando hablamos, sea igual de emocionante y bonito que hace 6 años... Cuanto te agradezco tu paciencia en mi inicio en el Islam, tu sonrisa, tus palabras, tu aprecio y sobretodo tu ejemplo de fortaleza.
Me ayudaste a entender que el ser musulmana es una maravilla de aquellas que no se explican, sino por un milagro y una gracia del mas Bondadoso, Allah.
Eres especial porque así eres, no te das por vencida ante nada, eres fuerte y dulce a la vez.
Te admiro y te respeto,
Entonces, entiendo que debo decirte que eres importante en mi vida, que eres muy especial, que te quiero y que todo lo que te rodea y aquello que es importante para ti, es importante para mi y que agradezco a Allah el haberme dado una amiga como tu...!!!
Gracias... Mrs. AMINAH..

Como no hablar, si las palabras dan vida al alma...
Como no ser feliz, cuando estas cerca, cuando compartes conmigo aunque sea por un momento.
Siendo que a penas nos conocimos, hiciste que todo fuera tan fácil y tan maravilloso para aprender, eras para mí un ejemplo a seguir. Con tu forma y tu carácter, me llegaste al alma.
El Islam nos unió y nos ha llevado por un camino largo de magníficas aventuras, de crecimiento y amistad, de aprendizaje y aun cuando lejos estas de mi, manejas el que cuando hablamos, sea igual de emocionante y bonito que hace 6 años... Cuanto te agradezco tu paciencia en mi inicio en el Islam, tu sonrisa, tus palabras, tu aprecio y sobretodo tu ejemplo de fortaleza.
Me ayudaste a entender que el ser musulmana es una maravilla de aquellas que no se explican, sino por un milagro y una gracia del mas Bondadoso, Allah.
Eres especial porque así eres, no te das por vencida ante nada, eres fuerte y dulce a la vez.
Te admiro y te respeto,
Entonces, entiendo que debo decirte que eres importante en mi vida, que eres muy especial, que te quiero y que todo lo que te rodea y aquello que es importante para ti, es importante para mi y que agradezco a Allah el haberme dado una amiga como tu...!!!
Gracias... Mrs. AMINAH..
martes, 1 de julio de 2008
A little Noor in SAN CARLOS, Dominican Republic...

Given by a muslim couple living there....
Where streets are full of people, the noise is part of the daily basis and fried chicken, coconut water, chimi, riquitaki, picalonga are the adornments of the place.....
There is a drop of peace and love created by a dominican muslim man and an outstanding lady named noora.., yes, just like the name, they manage to be a great example of light and happiness.
They are used to the folklore of San Carlos, she says is not weird anymore...people are actually used to them, and it is amaizing.. do to the fact that they are the only muslims around there, yet they live their lives in the most tranquil and reserved way possible.
In a place where houses are colonial style, with moroccan floors and vanished walls, beautiful houses, giving u the feeling of being in the years 1600....
Him, known by his noble and humble way, bringing light to everything near, is an example of strength and joy.
Her, with the sweetest smile, the shyness of a pearl under the sea, is another example of endurance and knowledge.. i call her
Her cooking skills overpass every restaurant...
Her biscuits, french toast, fried chicken, chicken sausages, her syrup, her rice.. are just another drop of what is in her soul...goodness and love.
These are our beloved friends and gave us by Allah the best weekend ever...!!!
As we know we must tell people how we feel for the sake of Allah, well this is our way to express the thanks and the love we share for this beautiful friends we have...
we love you for the sake of Allah...
San Carlos must be pleased to have u guys, just like we are to have u as friends.. :)
May Allah, the Exalted, bless you my brother and sister, and shower you with his bounty and grace, InshAllah we will always be together not only in this dunya but in the hereafter...Ameen.

Given by a muslim couple living there....
Where streets are full of people, the noise is part of the daily basis and fried chicken, coconut water, chimi, riquitaki, picalonga are the adornments of the place.....
There is a drop of peace and love created by a dominican muslim man and an outstanding lady named noora.., yes, just like the name, they manage to be a great example of light and happiness.
They are used to the folklore of San Carlos, she says is not weird anymore...people are actually used to them, and it is amaizing.. do to the fact that they are the only muslims around there, yet they live their lives in the most tranquil and reserved way possible.
In a place where houses are colonial style, with moroccan floors and vanished walls, beautiful houses, giving u the feeling of being in the years 1600....

Him, known by his noble and humble way, bringing light to everything near, is an example of strength and joy.
Her, with the sweetest smile, the shyness of a pearl under the sea, is another example of endurance and knowledge.. i call her

Her cooking skills overpass every restaurant...
Her biscuits, french toast, fried chicken, chicken sausages, her syrup, her rice.. are just another drop of what is in her soul...goodness and love.

These are our beloved friends and gave us by Allah the best weekend ever...!!!
As we know we must tell people how we feel for the sake of Allah, well this is our way to express the thanks and the love we share for this beautiful friends we have...

San Carlos must be pleased to have u guys, just like we are to have u as friends.. :)
May Allah, the Exalted, bless you my brother and sister, and shower you with his bounty and grace, InshAllah we will always be together not only in this dunya but in the hereafter...Ameen.
martes, 17 de junio de 2008

Brasil celebrará la décimo conferencia del milagro científico del Glorioso Corán y de la Sunnah (tradiciones del Gran Profeta del Islam), del 1 al 4 de agosto.
La conferencia está organizada por la ‘Asociación Internacional del Milagro Científico del Glorioso Corán y la Sunnah’, con la cooperación del Centro de Diseminación de la Doctrina Islámica de Brasil.
Abadiyya bin Abdalaziz al-Moslih, secretario general de dicha asociación, dijo que «pensadores, expertos, eruditos y administradores de los institutos islámicos de 30 países, incluyendo Sudamérica y el Caribe, Arabia Saudita, Egipto, Siria, Líbano, Jordania, Palestina, Marruecos, Kuwait, Qatar y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, participarán en el evento.»
«Como actividades complementarias a la conferencia, se realizarán visitas a universidades, centros islámicos, mezquitas y bibliotecas públicas.»

Brasil celebrará la décimo conferencia del milagro científico del Glorioso Corán y de la Sunnah (tradiciones del Gran Profeta del Islam), del 1 al 4 de agosto.
La conferencia está organizada por la ‘Asociación Internacional del Milagro Científico del Glorioso Corán y la Sunnah’, con la cooperación del Centro de Diseminación de la Doctrina Islámica de Brasil.
Abadiyya bin Abdalaziz al-Moslih, secretario general de dicha asociación, dijo que «pensadores, expertos, eruditos y administradores de los institutos islámicos de 30 países, incluyendo Sudamérica y el Caribe, Arabia Saudita, Egipto, Siria, Líbano, Jordania, Palestina, Marruecos, Kuwait, Qatar y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, participarán en el evento.»
«Como actividades complementarias a la conferencia, se realizarán visitas a universidades, centros islámicos, mezquitas y bibliotecas públicas.»

La Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo firmó varios acuerdos de cooperación académica y cultural con la biblioteca de Alejandría y las universidades de El Cairo y Al Azhar, de Egipto, así como el Instituto de Idiomas Ein Shams, de ese país árabe.
El rector de la UASD, licenciado Roberto Reyna, en compañía de la señora Gabriella Bonetti, encargada de Negocios de la Embajada de la República Dominicana en El Cairo, agotó una agenda de reuniones, logrando esos importantes acuerdos.
Con el objetivo de crear un mayor nivel de intercambio y conocimiento de la cultura latinoamericana y árabe, se realizó un convenio entre la biblioteca Pedro Mir y la prestigiosa biblioteca de Alejandría, a través de la embajadora Hager Ilsambouli, su directora de Relaciones Exteriores, trazando un plan de trabajo para los próximos meses.
Ilsambouli mostró interés por cooperar con la biblioteca Pedro Mir, tomando en cuenta que forma parte de la primera institución académica de América.
El acuerdo de cooperación entre ambas bibliotecas contempla soporte en el área de cooperación inter bibliotecaria, implementación de sistemas de digitalización de libros y manuscritos antiguos, gestión y archivo de patrimonio bibliográfico, desarrollo de programas de preservación y restauración de manuscritos.
Asimismo, se estableció la organización de conferencias y seminarios, capacitación de bibliotecarios e intercambio de especialistas, desarrollo de proyectos conjuntos de investigación en el campo bibliográfico, entre otros.
Igualmente, el rector de la UASD sostuvo un encuentro con el doctor Ali Andel Rahman, presidente de la universidad de El Cairo, la más importante de Egipto, con una población estudiantil de más de 360 mil estudiantes, logrando un pacto de cooperación en las áreas de Ingeniería, manejo de aguas, y Medicina –especialmente en Oncología-.
También se suscribió otro acuerdo con la universidad Al Azhar, el centro islámico de mayor importancia de Egipto y del Medio Oriente, estableciéndose un proyecto de intercambio de profesores con el fin de crear una cátedra de estudios de lengua y cultura árabe en la UASD.
Entre los compromisos se encuentra además, que la academia de estudios superiores dominicana ayude a fortalecer los programas de enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera de la contraparte egipcia.
De la misma manera, el licenciado Reyna se reunió con la doctora Nadia Gamaldin, directora del departamento de Español del Instituto de Idiomas Ein Shams, en El Cairo, quien está a cago de traducir al árabe el poema “Hay una País en el Mundo”, de Pedro Mir, junto a una introducción del profesor Juan Bosch.
La Embajada dominicana en El Cairo entregará el día 27 de febrero ambos textos a cada una de esas instituciones para reiterar el compromiso de nuestra nación con el desarrollo de las relaciones bilaterales entre ambos países.
Hay que destacar que los triunfos logrados durante la visita del rector al país árabe, evidencian el éxito de esfuerzos mancomunados entre la Embajada dominicana en ese territorio y el señor Fatta Ezzedin, embajador de Egipto en la República Dominicana, al tiempo de servir como cierre a una fructuosa gestión del licenciado Reyna, quien lidera el esfuerzo de internacionalización de la UASD, que además ha logrado acuerdos con las universidades de Cambridge, Harvard, y el Centro Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Estuvieron presentes también en las reuniones, el señor Andy Rodríguez, Consejero y la señorita Fara Moquete, primer secretaria de la Misión Dominicana en Egipto.
What goes through your mind?
As you sit there looking at me
Well, i can tell from your looks that you think i’m so oppressed, but I don’t need for you to liberate me.
My head is not bare, and you can’t see my covered hair
So you sit there and you stare
And you judge me with your glare, you’re sure i’m in despair but are you not aware?
Under this scarf that i wear i have feelings, and i do care
So don’t you see?
That I’m truly free.
This piece of scarf on me i wear so proudly to preserve my dignity...
My modesty, my integrity, so don’t judge me.
Open your eyes and see...“
Why can’t you just accept me?” she says“
Why can’t I just be me?” she says
Time and time again you speak of democracy, yet you rob me of my liberty
All I want is equality, why can’t you just let me be free?
For you I sing this song, My sister, may you always be strong. From you I’ve learnt so much
How you suffer so much
Yet you forgive those who laugh at you
You walk with no fear through the insults you hear
Your wish so sincere that they’d understand you, but before you walk away, this time you turn and say:
But don’t you see? That I’m truly free,
This piece of scarf on meI wear so proudly
To preserve my dignity, My modesty, My integrity
So let me be
She says with a smile: "I’m the one who’s free"
Att. Sami yusuf.
jueves, 5 de junio de 2008
Una prueba de Allah..

Una vez tuve una conversación con un joven, yo estaba recién convertida al ISLAM pero tenia en mi corazón un deseo inmenso de aprender y sobretodo de decirle al mundo que había encontrado finalmente la verdad. Este joven empezó una conversación conmigo preguntándome porque yo usaba el hijab (velo), que sentido tenia y si yo no pensaba que era una manera de mi esposo tener control sobre mi, pues al cubrirme, ningún otro hombre podría disfrutar de mi belleza?
Lo primero que le dije fue....
Ahora es cuando me siento libre, tranquila, en paz. Al salir a la calle, antes de ser musulmana, era invadida por piropos irrespetuosos, muy pocos eran agradables, me asediaban las miradas con morbo de hombres que en mi vida había visto, los que al verme empezaban a decir cosas que a mi entender eran ofensivas.
Luego de ser musulmana y utilizar el velo, eso jamás sucedió, pues al salir a la calle, los hombres que me miran, lo hacen con curiosidad, no con deseo ni morbo, no me asedian ni me dicen cosas ofensivas, y lo mas importante, se dirigen a mi con respeto y delicadeza.
La segunda pregunta suya fue:
Quien te asegura que Dios existe, que puede dar cosas, porque lo que yo tengo lo he ganado con mi esfuerzo y mi trabajo?
Mi respuesta fue:
El mejor ejemplo es la creación, venimos de la unión del esperma con el ovulo, somos una gota, luego un coagulo de sangre, luego se empiezan a formar las partes del cuerpo, para luego ser cubiertas con piel, luego salimos a la vida y llegamos a crecer y aquí estamos por la gracia de DIOS.
Además DIOS ha puesto en cada corazón el temor a EL, innato, aunque no lo queramos confirmar.
Cuando tienes un problema como dices: Dios mío ayúdame, sin darte cuenta...porque es EL quien ha puesto ese sentimiento en los corazones.
Si no existe DIOS, entonces mata esa hormiga y luego de matarla, dale vida si eres justo...
El sorprendido no supo que decir...
Y así es amigos lectores, la prueba de la existencia de Allah el Creador esta en todas partes, en el agua del mar, en el cielo, el sol, las nubes, en todo cuanto existe. Nosotros no somos capaces de crear nada si no es con el permiso de DIOS y Este es quien nos provee de alimento y de todo cuanto tenemos, si el quisiera, nos eliminaría, y nos reemplazaría por personas mejores que nosotros, pero es grande su Misericordia y su Sabiduría... Es infinita su Gracia...
Como no creer en aquel que te sopla vida, que te da el aire para que respires, el agua para que sacies tu sed, los alimentos de las plantas, frutas agradables al paladar para que comas de ellas,
Animales para que comas su carne, lluvia del cielo para que la tierra muerta vuelva a la vida y así puedas comer de ella..
Claro que si..... WE BELIEVE AND WE TRUST.

Emoticón actual: bendecido/a
Estimate that 0.02 percent of the population (2,000 individuals).
Muslim students and local organizations such as the Círculo Islámico de República Dominicana (The Islamic Circle of Dominican Republic) have helped spread Islam in this country. Currently, the Círculo Islámico estimates that Muslims number about 3,000 (most recent statistics), comprising of a good number of local converts.
The Círculo Islámico established the first mosque in the Dominican Republic in the center of Santo Domingo, about a five minute walk from the Palacio de Policía Nacional and the Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) where Muslims from around the city would have easy access to reach it. The mosque is open daily for the five salats (prayers) . They also provide free medical consultation along with a free pharmacy, Consulta Al-Foutory, which is located in a separate building at the back of the mosque.
Presently, Masjid al Noor is largely believed to be the only active Masjid here in the Island and receives the bulk of the Muslim population for the two Eids, Ramadan, Salat al Jummah, and the five daily prayers. There is another Masjid in Los LLanos, Dominican Republic. Los LLanos is roughly a 30 minutes drive from Mezquita al Noor.
Like other countries in the Caribbean and Latin America, the history of Islam in the Dominican Republic began with the importation of African slaves, which first arrived to the island of Hispaniola (modern day Haiti and DR), beginning in 1502.
And because of the african muslim slavery we have today some words and places that have their origin in them, some examples are:
* Rio JUMA (jumuah)
* Rio MAIMON (maimoon)
And others.
¡¡ It is definitely a great thing to have ISLAM growing and it is simply amaizing to be able to live in such way ...
ISLAM is so complete, so great, so fulfilling, is a WAY OF LIFE !!!
I will tell you about my experience so you can have an idea of how this beautiful way of life, changed mine entirely.
martes, 3 de junio de 2008

La lengua árabe se impartirá en los institutos andaluces
Comenzará a impartirse como una asignatura más en la enseñanza secundaria obligatoria en cuatro institutos andaluces
A partir del próximo curso académico 2008/2009, la materia de “Lengua árabe y su cultura” comenzará a impartirse como una asignatura más de los planes de estudios de la enseñanza secundaria obligatoria en cuatro centros andaluces: dos de la provincia de Granada (IES Albaicín e IES Mariana Pineda), y dos de la provincia de Almería (IES Las Norias e IES La Mojonera).
Se ofrecerá en 1º de la ESO y con carácter optativo como segunda lengua extranjera. La implantación del proyecto se realiza de acuerdo con el Plan de Fomento del Plurilingüismo de la Consejería de Educación, siendo propósito de la Junta de Andalucía ampliar progresivamente la oferta de la materia a otros centros andaluces.
Conseguir esto ha supuesto muchos años de trabajo, de reuniones, de recibir negativas, de esfuerzos…, en los que el arabismo español en general, y el andaluz en particular, ha venido trabajando sin descanso, y a veces sin esperanza, desde hace casi treinta años.
Finalmente, desde el curso académico 2002/2003, el Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Granada, a través de su Secretariado del Magreb y los Países Árabes, dirigido hasta el presente curso académico por el prof. Indalecio Lozano Cámara, se ha venido actuando laboriosamente hasta hacer realidad el proyecto.
En este contexto, en noviembre del 2005, se firmó un acuerdo de colaboración entre la UGR y la consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía, en el que se contemplan diversas acciones con este objetivo.
En el marco de este acuerdo, el grupo DILACAI ha elaborado el diseño curricular de la asignatura “Lengua árabe y su cultura” en colaboración con profesoras de las Universidades de Sevilla y Cádiz y con otros especialistas de la UGR. Este diseño curricular servirá de base para elaborar las futuras programaciones de la materia.
Today happened, it is past by now... at night, before going to sleep in the comfort of your bedroom, now it’s time to think a little.
What did you do today that made you grow inside?
Did you say hello to your neighbor and meant it ?
Did you smile at the delivery guy, at the salesperson at the supermarket?
What good you did to a random or known person around you?
When was the last time you shared food, clothes or things that you really really like?
Did you call your parents and told them how much you love them, (those who live with you) , did you hug them or gave a simple thank you?
When something happened today that made you loose your character, your patience, did you stop and think before saying or doing a shameful act or did you loose your temper?
Did you tell your children (those who have) that they are important to you, that you love them?
Did you reffered to Allah to thank Him for the beautiful new day, the food you ate, the water you drank, the clothes you wore, the 5 senses He gave you?
If you did, then you had a great day, full of blessings InshAllah
If you find yourself answering with a NO to almost all the quetions, then welcome to what we know as Another Chance. It is never too late to start being grateful and to show some appreciation for that which He, the Exalted has given you since before you were born, just think that this is the moment to Start Living.
Remember Allah knows everything you do and don’t do, it would sure be great to be in the list of those who do things for His sake and those whom He love.
Enjoy !!!

Today happened, it is past by now... at night, before going to sleep in the comfort of your bedroom, now it’s time to think a little.
What did you do today that made you grow inside?
Did you say hello to your neighbor and meant it ?
Did you smile at the delivery guy, at the salesperson at the supermarket?
What good you did to a random or known person around you?
When was the last time you shared food, clothes or things that you really really like?
Did you call your parents and told them how much you love them, (those who live with you) , did you hug them or gave a simple thank you?
When something happened today that made you loose your character, your patience, did you stop and think before saying or doing a shameful act or did you loose your temper?
Did you tell your children (those who have) that they are important to you, that you love them?
Did you reffered to Allah to thank Him for the beautiful new day, the food you ate, the water you drank, the clothes you wore, the 5 senses He gave you?
If you did, then you had a great day, full of blessings InshAllah
If you find yourself answering with a NO to almost all the quetions, then welcome to what we know as Another Chance. It is never too late to start being grateful and to show some appreciation for that which He, the Exalted has given you since before you were born, just think that this is the moment to Start Living.
Remember Allah knows everything you do and don’t do, it would sure be great to be in the list of those who do things for His sake and those whom He love.
Enjoy !!!
domingo, 1 de junio de 2008
La propuesta

Poco tiempo y he pensado...
Aquí con el más humilde recuerdo, que despierta en la noche, cuando sueño; el que me apacigua, me asusta a la vez con su inigualable forma de abarcar más de la mitad de mis pensamientos, los que dan vueltas y al final vuelven a tí...
En espera, aguardo, de alguna señal que termine con la incertidumbre de aquello cuanto anhelo, eres Tú, y lo que representas para mí.
Me amas, con un amor puro, sincero y con compasión, en la que espero.
Me haces feliz con cada cosa, me das todo y al final, después de encontrarte y conocerte, lo anhelado ya no espera, esta aquí.
Te has convertido en mi sombra, en la luz a seguir, en el sendero correcto y ha vuelto a mí lo esperado, una serenidad inmensa en forma de paz que arropa mi ser, mi alma flameante por haberte encontrado, y contigo tu enseñanza. Cuan feliz aquel, cual asustado por lo incierto, llega a tu camino y entiende de ti.
Te conviertes en lo mas puro, lo mas bello, lo que espero... No importan las piedras, rocas, huecos en mi camino; todo vale la pena porque tú eres el final. Volveré a tí, mi esencia que sólo tú conoces, lo que soy, lo que fui, lo que seré y allí volveré a tI y espero en ti porque me has llenado la vida de destellos de luz, después de ser tierra seca, he sido manantial, por tí .. Porque eres tú quien ama de verdad, quien me ha hecho feliz, entonces...
Puedo yo vivir mi vida a tu forma, ser por ti y para ti aunque renuncie a aquello que creí una vez fue felicidad, puedo aceptar un modo de vida creado por ti y en torno a ti?
La respuesta es:
Sí Allah......
De: Mi para Ti oh Merciful.
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