martes, 17 de junio de 2008



What goes through your mind?

As you sit there looking at me

Well, i can tell from your looks that you think i’m so oppressed, but I don’t need for you to liberate me.

My head is not bare, and you can’t see my covered hair

So you sit there and you stare

And you judge me with your glare, you’re sure i’m in despair but are you not aware?
Under this scarf that i wear i have feelings, and i do care
So don’t you see?

That I’m truly free.
This piece of scarf on me i wear so proudly to preserve my dignity...
My modesty, my integrity, so don’t judge me.

Open your eyes and see...“

Why can’t you just accept me?” she says“

Why can’t I just be me?” she says

Time and time again you speak of democracy, yet you rob me of my liberty

All I want is equality, why can’t you just let me be free?

For you I sing this song, My sister, may you always be strong. From you I’ve learnt so much
How you suffer so much

Yet you forgive those who laugh at you

You walk with no fear through the insults you hear

Your wish so sincere that they’d understand you, but before you walk away, this time you turn and say:

But don’t you see? That I’m truly free,
This piece of scarf on meI wear so proudly
To preserve my dignity, My modesty, My integrity

So let me be

She says with a smile: "I’m the one who’s free"
Att. Sami yusuf.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

If the world could only see the truth of our beloved wifes, sisters, daughters, nieces, mothers, and friends. They would realize that Allah created woman to be man's equal and to be a symbol of sacredness to the world. It is woman who has been chosen to be the vehicle in which Allah brings forth life into the world. Even the plants come in two sexes, the ants hold their queen in high reverence for the survival of their colony and protect her. We who are supposedly the species of earthlings with the highest intelligence do not give our women their due respect. Instead we use them as a means of sexual gratification and abuse them. That is the difference with Islam and the rest of the world. We are tought that paradise lies at the foot of our mothers. This statement is profound in it's many levels of interpretation and understanding. I leave it to you to contemplate on it's meaning. I call upon all who are reading to answer the call to Islam to atleast know and understand. If it is Allah's will, Islam will touch your heart and become your way of life as it is for billions of other on the planet.

Assaláamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

Brother Abdul Haqq (Bavaro-Punta Cana, Dominican Republic)